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The Right (Time) to Remain Silent

Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

It's been a minute. I've started nine blogs and finished none. There have been big doings in the world and in my community that I've wanted to address - to add my voice to - but have not been able to chime in. In some cases, others have expressed all I could hope to say much more eloquently than I could have. In some cases, there is so much racket I just couldn't bring myself to enter the fray - because there is a fray, make no bones about it. And in some cases my heart is just so broken I did not dare to put it in words - the words giving the fear air and light and room to grow more monstrous. But I am a writer and words are my handiwork, so I break my self-imposed silence and speak about a couple of things with great trepidation.

First off, the education system in my little corner of the world is in turmoil. Claims of misconduct have surfaced and are being investigated by the authorities - not just the school board. This is troubling and I, in no way, wish to minimize the real crimes and subsequent punishments that must come. However, there seems to be an abundance of activists and "experts" who have the attention of the local news and social media who are not in possession of all the facts, yet do not hesitate to pass judgement with alarming pseudo-veracity. There is no accountability for what is being churned out as truth by those swept up in the alarm and outrage. Stories are being published with blatant innuendos which have no basis in fact; careful to add the cautionary, "although no charges have been filed", or " this has not be linked to an ongoing investigation," and then going on to name suspicions and hint at wrongdoing. Somebodies who know somebodies who heard about something that may or may not have happened a long time ago are being interviewed on the nightly news. People who do not live in this county are jumping on the bandwagon, hollering the loudest. Social media is in a frenzy with pages popping up to air grievances but blocking anyone who might have something positive to say. To date, I have stayed out and part of my reasoning is that there is just too much noise. The voices that need to be heard are the real victims and the ones who need to hear them are the authorities in charge of the investigations, not the administrators of the Facebook pages or the reporters. However, at the risk of being labeled a hypocrite, I've decided to say a few things.

1. We need to define what counts as misconduct. Inappropriate touching - absolutely. Suggestive language or graphic images - absolutely. Knowingly protecting a predator, yes. Not liking a teacher, principal, or administrator - probably not. There is danger in widening the net to include any uncomfortable situation as illegal conduct. "I never did like him,' or "He looked at me funny," are not sufficient grounds to claim abuse. Children may not be able to separate the real from the perceived, but adults should have enough sense to evaluate and look for potential patterns and apply reason to the situation. Parents have to listen to the children and report real misconduct while also helping to navigate uneasy situations appropriately.

2. There needs to be an understanding of the means of separation. Release - someone is fired from a position, usually with no severance or benefits. Resignation - someone chooses to leave a position, whether pressured to do so or not, this isn't the same as release. Based on the terms of employment, there may be severance and benefits paid. Retirement - someone has chosen to leave a position after the required term of service has been completed. This is not the same as release or resignation. Based on the terms of employment, a retiree may begin to withdraw from a pension plan into which they have been paying throughout the tenure of their employment. They may be eligible to participate in negotiated benefits as well, again, based on their contractual agreements with the employer. An employer who fires an employee without just cause or circumvents the terms of contract may be found in breach of contract and/or liable for such in a court of law. I expound on this because all three of these situations have occurred recently within our school system and the terms have been mixed up or used interchangeably on social media. (Note: I am not an attorney but I watch TV, so surely I'm an expert.)

3. If we could all just hush for a minute, that would be great. There is a time to speak and a time to be silent. (Ecclesiastes 3) Speaking up for those who are being abused is right and necessary and important. But, the spotlight has been fired up and trained on the system here. Those who need to speak are being given the chance and I hope every victim will feel safe enough to come forward to the authorities. Now it's time to quiet down and let the hard work of investigation carry out without the constant stirring of the pot. Now is the time to take a step back and think of ways to help our community heal. It's time to come together. It is possible. We just lined the streets to show how much we care about one another a few days ago. We can do it again. It's time to lift one another up and fervently pray for those who are hurting. Here and in other communities. Which brings me to this...

Dear Little Faye. I can hardly bear to read about what happened to you. It makes me afraid for all the other little girls - for my little girls. In you, we see our own. The unforced smile, the hair falling across shining eyes, the bespoke hundred days of school t-shirt. You were just playing in your yard and a monster came from next door. It makes my stomach hurt to think of what you may have experienced. I weep for you - I weep for your poor Mama. Dear Lord Jesus, receive Faye Marie into the safety of your arms and comfort the empty arms of her family, her school mates, her town.

And Lord, in the middle of all the angst and outcry around here lately, we are just trying to protect the children in our collective care, truly we are. We may be going about it in different ways, but we all want them to dwell in safety. Forgive us for losing sight of that. Forgive us for fighting one another when we need to be fighting for one other. We've got a big mess down here and we need some "as it is in heaven" in the worst way. Bring your kingdom to our community. Give us provision and peace. Lead us out of the temptation to hate those who disagree with us. Set loose your power and holiness upon us, loving Father, and deliver us by your glory. Forever. We still ourselves in anticipation of the knowing. Selah.



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