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Nicest Day

Been needing a day like this. Quiet and slow. Low 70's inside and out. Bright blue skies. Laundry in progress - Tide with Downy scenting the open-window-cross-breeze. Sauce bubbling on the stove for lasagna making later. Three issues of Southern Living to catch up on - sipping cold coffee. Alexa playing Wynonna on shuffle. She covered Free Bird!! I've always been a fan but, wowza, she's a beast. In the very best way. All new respect. It's just the nicest day over here.

Funny story about that song. My family has strict instructions to play it at my funeral. Live. Long version. We have so many friends who are musicians, it would be great to just have them all plug in and play. If Wynonna's around, please have her sit it. Maybe hand out Bic's with the little obituary fliers. Sometimes they think I'm joking. I am not. I wish I was original but I actually got the idea from the movie Elizabethtown. It just stuck with me. And makes perfect sense. A Lynyrd Skynyrd song for this Alabama girl. It'll make for the nicest day when that day comes. And I sincerely hope all the musicians have to be carted in on the assisted-living bus cause we're all real old when this comes about! How's that for a tour bus?!

Funny to be thinking about the last day on such a pretty one. But if I've learned anything on this ride so far, it's that life and death sit quietly side by side in an almost friendly way. Death patiently waiting his turn at the wheel. Life spinning every which-a-way and us doing our best just to hang on. When I get a day like this I feel like I need to store it up so I can pull it out when things get crazy and a little dark. Turn it over in my mind like a prism and let the pretty colors wash over the dull. Knowing there's a limit to this thing makes it all the more precious. A wise friend once said, "None of us are getting out of this alive." And we smiled at the truth of it.

So... as Wynonna serenades accompanied by the wind-chimes, I'm over here just having the nicest day. And hoping I'm not the only one. Selah.



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