If only it were just one thing. The thing. The explanation that makes sense of the unfathomable. The thing that lets us process and file away and breathe again and sleep. A domestic situation, gang-on-gang, targeted, isolated. But that is rarely the case.
The thing is a weapon. And it is a tormented soul. And it is a platform. It is an action and it is a reaction. All at the same time. A perfect horror-storm at the Wal-Mart, the bar, the festival. And as such, there is no one thing to do-say in response. Thoughts and prayers. Access to mental health care. Regulations and enforcements. Yes. Yes. Yes.
The Los Angeles Times published an Op-Ed piece in which research identified 4 common factors for nearly all mass shooters since 1966. Childhood trauma and exposure to violence at a young age. Recent identifiable crisis point. Examples/scripts to follow from the viral news stories of other shooters. Access to the means to carry out their plans. Legal and illegal.
It is naive and irresponsible to say one thing will magically fix this broken corner of our society. Anyone who shouts "this would not have happened if we'd only...." fill in the blank - is grossly mistaken. But it's possible that an interception at a crucial point could affect a different outcome. I believe there are moments which have the potential to change a trajectory - to alter a course.
My friend spoke to a group of children last week as part of a bring-your-child-to-work-day. She studied her assigned topic and gave an enthusiastic presentation on emotional awareness at work and school. Near the end, my friend asked if they knew anyone who had been bullied. And in a moment of exquisite bravery, one little girl raised her hand. Me, she said. They talked about it - these children. The little girl next to her gave a hug. The leaders had a conversation with the mother who had no idea this was happening to her child. My stunned friend kept an unexpected holy appointment that day. And maybe, just maybe, a little life was turned in a new direction.
What are we to do in the midst of the hell-breaking-loose-things? Pray? Definitely pray. Always pray. The work of praying people is never trivial or vain. It is not the least we can do - it is the most. Then we have get up off our knees and expect, demand even, better - from ourselves and from one another. And always, always scan the darkness for raised hands. Me. I am not OK. Hear me. Help me. Point me in the right Direction. You never know, you could be the one thing that makes all the difference in the world. Selah.
Link to Los Angeles Times Op-Ed