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Answered Prayers

Every night before going to bed, Daddy would turn down the sound on the television - which involved getting up out of the recliner and walking across the room. If he was especially tired, he would use the remote control. Me. I was the remote control. And we would pause while he prayed. I don't remember most of the prayers. They included requests for loved ones to be sure. For health and help. For wisdom and guidance. And there was thanksgiving. The naming of gratitude, not the holiday.

What I do remember, word for word, is the way he ended every time. "... and protect us from all fires, storms, harms and dangers, in Jesus' name, amen." Fires, storms, harms and dangers. He would utter those words in that order every night and then head off to sleep - having done his duty for the household. For the family. As our leader and protector, he would hand the watch over to the Lord and rest.

There was once a fire, when he was a boy. The family home burned and everything was lost. Neighbors gathered and shared from their poverty stripped pantries - I still have an "old quilt" gifted to them after the fire. It's a log cabin pattern in rust reds and bandana blues with flour sack backing and a big stain that won't come out. And though the unthinkable happened, he faithfully asked that it wouldn't happen again. Every. Single. Night.

There have been storms. Real ones with names. Equally real ones too terrible to name. Daddy prayed against them. And we have survived every time.

Harms and dangers too many to count - most of them surely unbeknownst to us. Disasters averted and experienced. We mark ourselves safe to this day. Grateful for what we know we have been spared. Grateful for being spared what we do not even realize.

And so today, this set-aside day. I give thanks, O Lord, for your every answer to those faithfully uttered prayers so long ago. And Dear Lord, though Daddy resides with you now, will you keep on answering his prayers? This family still needs him to intercede and protect us. Especially the little ones he has yet to meet. You are our rock and redeemer. You are our refuge and strength. You are our hope and future. Selah.

Faithful to the End.

We're heaven-spun creations His pride and adoration Treasures woven by his love His careful hands they hold us Safe within His promise Of calling and of destiny

I will sing of all you've done I'll remember how far you carried me From beginning until the end You are faithful, faithful to the end

A Father's heart that's for me A never ending story Of love that's always chasing me His kindness overwhelming And hope for me unending He's never given up on me

I will sing of all you've done I'll remember how far you carried me From beginning until the end You are faithful, faithful to the end

There wasn't a day That you weren't by my side There wasn't a day That you let me fall All of my life Your love has been true All of my life I will worship you

Hannah McClure, Paul McClure, Brian Johnson, Joel Taylor


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