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Throw-back-Thursday. Exactly one year ago today. We backed up the U-Haul-It to our beloved North Carolina home. Dear friends showed up to help unload a bed, a table, a few chairs and some assorted furniture. We set the bed up in the dining room and put a spare dining room table into the smallest bedroom to serve as the anchor for my office. We found clean sheets and some towels and settled in for the night. It had been a long day. A long two days. A long two years. But we were home and the sleep was sweet.

We weren't sure we could even get here. Just a few days before, many of the roads into this little beach town were closed. Storm named Florence created havoc. The whole area was still reeling. We found a way back and set to work. Renovating the house, renovating the area, renovating our lives in the process. I started writing again. I started breathing again.

Wouldn't trade the time we spent under the big, bright stars for anything. It was precious. Met folks who will be friends for life. Came back with a new appreciation for family. But this is where we are meant to be. Just the two of us. Close enough to get to the babies without taking a couple of days or a plane. Close enough to get to the beach at least once a week. Close enough.

You never know what a year will bring. I'm chalking this one up as a good one. And the song in my heart just now: Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, praise him all creatures here below...

Goodnight from one grateful creature. Selah.



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